Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Why Do My Dog Keep Sneezing?

We’re sure you’ve sneezed on many occasions during your lifetime, and we’re also sure that you’ve witnessed someone sneezing. It’s a part of life, so it’s no big deal.

Sneezing could be an indication that you’re coming down with a cold. It could also mean that something is irritating your nasal passages. For instance, a whiff of strong cologne can prompt you to sneeze. For some strange reason, cheap cologne and perfume can have an adverse effect on our sinuses.

Just like their human counterparts, canines are prone to sneezing. Sneezing helps them clear dirt, dust, and strong household aerosols from their nasal passages.

Should you be alarmed if your dog keeps sneezing?

We will cover the following points in this article:

• The common causes of sneezing

• How you can help your furry friend get over sneezing

• Indications of a serious problem

Five Potential Reasons Why Your Dog Continues to Sneeze

There are many reasons why your dog sneezes repeatedly. Fortunately, most of them are easy to figure out. However, you should be concerned if your dog’s sneezing fits continue to take place.

As a dog parent, it’s your responsibility to monitor their health. If you think something weird is taking place, you should get in touch with your veterinarian. They will be able to address the situation, so that your canine can make a full recovery.

Let’s go over some common causes of sneezing for canines, and the proper steps you need to take.

1. Playing Around

This may sound strange, but many dog breeds are well known for “play sneezing”. If they get excited, they are bound to “play sneeze”.

There’s nothing to worry about. Your dog is simply trying to tell other dogs the horse-playing is acceptable.

Some dog training experts believe that dogs sneeze after they kick dirt, dust, and other irritants in the air. Sneezing helps them clear their nose.

What to do about it: Nothing! Allow your dog to have fun, and understand that sneezing is part of the process.

2. Nasal Mites

Canal nasal mites are tiny parasites that can cause havoc in a dog’s nose. Unfortunately, they have the uncanny ability to travel from one dog to another.

What type of threat do nasal mites pose? They can cause the following: nose bleeds, sneezing, head shaking, reverse sneezing, and nose itching.

You should take your dog to the vet immediately if their nose is bleeding.

What to do about it: Only your vet can detect if your dog has nasal mites. They will give your dog a CT scan, flush your dog’s nasal passages, or give your dog a nasal endoscopy.

Your vet will tell you if your pet’s nasal mites can be treated with an anti-parasitic medication. They’ll be more than happy to prescribe this for your pet.

One Quick Point about Nasal Sneezing

A reverse sneeze is not a real sneeze. It’s called paroxysmal respiration. Reverse sneezing takes place when your dog pulls air into their nose fast rather than forcing air out of their nose. When this happens, your dog will make a snorting sound.

The sound of reverse sneezing can frighten you, but it’s nothing to worry about. It will be over within several minutes.

What to do about it: Give your beloved pet a back massage. If this doesn’t calm them down, you should take them to the vet.

3. Obstruction in the Airway

Breeds like English bulldogs, boxers, and Boston terriers have short heads and small nasal passages. This is the primary reason why they have a hard time with the heat, exercising, and breathing.

What to do about it: Take your canine to the vet for regular exams, and take them out for walks during the morning or late in the evening.

4. Allergies

Many people don’t know that some dogs have allergies, and their allergies will make them sneeze. Chicken, beef, and dairy can aggravate your dog’s sinuses. However, a recent report revealed that environmental allergens pose a greater threat to canines.

Many environmental allergens can be found in your home. Dust, mold, and cleaning solutions can force your dog to sneeze.

Some dog parents change the air filters in their home regularly. Clean filters do a better job at trapping the allergens that can pose a problem for your dog’s nose.

If your dog has watery eyes, a runny nose, and wheezes while sneezing, seasonal allergies may be the offender.

What to do about it: Add an allergy supplement to your dog’s diet. You can consult with your veterinarian if you need help.

5. Foreign Objects

Dogs love to explore their environment. They’ll dig in the dirt, go in the trash can, and sniff around the home. This leaves them prone to getting microscopic particles in their nasal passages. Sneezing helps them get rid of these foreign elements.

Does your dog continue to paw at their nose? This type of behavior indicates the irritant is still present.

What to do about it: Make your home dog proof. If you don’t see anything in their nose, you should schedule an appointment with the vet. They will examine your dog’s nasal cavity.

Final Summary

It’s normal for dogs to sneeze, so you shouldn’t freak out when your canine makes an attempt to clear their nasal passages. Your dog knows it’s vital for them to keep their nose clean.

Many things can force your dog to sneeze. It could be something from the environment, or your dog is enjoying their playtime with you. As we stated earlier, this is called “play sneezing”.

Should you be alarmed when your dog begins to sneeze? In most cases, there’s nothing for you to be worried about.

If your dog continues to sneeze, you should set up an appointment with your vet. Your vet will examine your dog closely and take appropriate action.

Learning more about dog sneezing can help you have a better understanding of your dog’s health. In the long run, you’ll become an exceptional dog parent.

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